Sunday, June 14, 2009


The main difference to me between Blogs and Wikis is that Blogs are you’re own expressions on a subject matter while; Wikis are a collaboration of people working on or describing a subject matter.
Being able to communicate across the world is very important. For Example; Scientist today are able to share ideas and thoughts on how to cure diseases. A scientist may be close to formulating a new drug that can cure a disease but, may fall short in computing the exact chemicals together to prevent side effects of any kind. A scientist across the world that may have a stronger background in chemistry can collaborate using Wikis or new media to solve the scientist problem and help him produce the drug. These scenarios could never have taken place before the internet or if they did required much more work. To demonstrate a real situation that Wikis are helping real companies collaborate, I am citing the article: "How to Use Wikis for Business," by Ezra Goodnoe, InformationWeek, August 8, 2005, “Nokia has been using Socialtext wiki software for a year and a half to facilitate information exchange within its Insight & Foresight group.” Nokia being such a large company with offices all over the world has used new media tools to inspire creativity and share the knowledge of their workers with each other.
Blogs can be used for collaboration too by using reply or thread features. After, the author post his/her blog readers may feel the need to contribute new or current information that the author may have overlooked. One example of collaboration blogging is on this blog web site parent’s of Autistic children share information on new techniques or new information on how to raise a child with Autism.
I think Wikis should be used as a moderator between wealthy people and less fortunate people. Wealthy people who are willing, can share there success stories and become mentors to individuals less fortunate, who want to improve their quality of life for themselves and their families.

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