Monday, June 15, 2009


So far in class we have touched on the new technologies associated with New Media. The new media are: Blogs, Wikis and Social Networks. Websites such as Blogger, Wikipedia, FaceBook and Myspace are at the forefront of this revolution which falls under Web 2.0. To explain Web 2.0, I am citing a new media wikipedia to explain the definition of Web 2.0. “"Web 2.0" refers to what is perceived as a second generation of web development and web design. It is characterized as facilitating communication, information sharing, interoperability, User-centered design [1] and collaboration on the World Wide Web.” Wikipedia “Web 2.0”
The internet is the heart of this new media technology, without the internet these new media wouldn’t be able to exist.
As for replacing old media, New Media such as Blogs and Wikis are able to deliver the news much faster than an old fashion print newspaper, which has to wait until the next day to report a story.
As for new media enhancing old media, the best example of this is television. Television is still very popular; however it has made a digital transformation and now it is able to appear over the internet. Television with support from the internet can be interactive you can participate in polls; ask questions to local news cast or blog about your favorite sports teams.

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