Tuesday, June 16, 2009


By corporate companies using social networks, like Nissan did with N-square, a company can allow their employees to interchange ideas on new products or services that can help the company. It also can create a social atmosphere that would make it harder for top talent to leave because, the feel connected to the company. “The potential payoff is happier employees who feel more attached to their jobs.” Why Is Nissan Mimicking MySpace?” By Kenji Hall Business Week Oct 30, 2007

The main ability of social networking is to be able to communicate quickly to friends and family. For example: Events such as engagements or giving birth can be communicated in a matter of seconds to everyone in your social network. A main feature which has occurred to me is connecting with old friends. My best friend from high school located me on myspace after we lost touch with each other and know we communicate on a constant basis. Some other features social networks are good for are: Looking for a job, looking for romance online and the ability to promote your business to a group of people.

However, there is also a dark side to social networking. There is a high level of anonymous people on social networks. There is no way to know to be sure who is on the other end of the computer, and even if you see a face or hear a voice you do not know what that person is capable of. Unfortunately, with new technologies comes a risk that is associated with it. The internet and social networks are a platform that pedophiles and stalkers are happy to use because; they can go unknown and manipulate young teens from their homes.

I think these technologies are going to evolve into 3-D environments and we are going to interact through virtual worlds like virtual reality in movies. One day we may just send our avatars out to work while we stay home and relax.

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